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  2. Financial Essentials

How to use Fathom

Summary of how clients can use and find different tools on Fathom.

Hi there,

Keeping up to date with your financial reports is extremely important as a business owner! It’s the key to keeping your business profitable.

As a client of Club Capital, we make it our duty to deliver your monthly financial recaps on the 20th of every month via email. You may recall being introduced to Fathom during your final onboarding meeting which is the platform that we use to generate your financial reports every month and gives you access to other features that can help you to make better decisions for your business.

But we all know that life is hectic and it's not often easy to remember how to navigate and use a new platform. Our team has put together a small tutorial video that can help walk you through the steps of how you can access your financial reports!


As a Statefarm and Allstate agent, you will also be able to access other features on fathom such as reviewing an Analysis Chart, Peer Comparison Graph and a detailed Profit and Loss Summary.

We hope this helps when utilizing Fathom but as always if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to one of our team members.

Club Capital Team