Here are answers for the most pressing questions today!
What do I do with this tax notice?
- If it mentions unemployment, quarterly filing, withholding, 941, or anything else payroll related, it should be submitted to your payroll provider.
- If it is in regards to your income taxes, worker's compensation, excise taxes, or other items, our team will either handle it or provide information/resources for you to handle it depending on your tax subscription here at Club Capital
Where is my ERTC payment?
The IRS is currently backlogged with millions of filings. If you feel the need to call, you can use this number 800-829-4933.
What do I do with my ERTC payment?
Please provide us with the letter so we can keep accurate records. Also, best practice is to deposit the check into your business account, you can do whatever you wish with it afterwards, but that helps to ensure that it is accounted for correctly.
Where do I upload my documents?
If it is related to your financials at all, they go into the CC Portal.
If it is related to your income taxes (W-2, 1099, 1098, etc) it goes into the Tax Portal.
How do I pay estimated quarterly payments for income taxes?
- Go to:
- Select "Make a Payment"
- Reason for Payment is "Estimated Tax"
- Apply Payment To "1040ES"
- Tax Period for Payment: "2022"
- Click continue and use your 2020 or 2019 filed return for the Tax Year for Verification.
- Navigate to the Resources tab on the main Club Capital website and make a one time payment for estimated Individual Income Tax, Tax Year 2022.
Should I do tax planning (compliance package) and CFO services?
Do you want to see what the future has in store? Do you want to maximize your tax benefits and reduce your potential liability? Absolutely, the more prepared you are for the future, the more successful you will be! Please ask your Account Manager for more information.
How do I pay myself?
Paying yourself through owner distributions does not show up in your KPIs or Income Statement because they are not business expenses - they are equity movements, taking money out of the business. Here is a video discussing the nuances of paying yourself plus one on the Balance Sheet.
I made an investment (building, vehicle, loan, etc) for the business, do I need to tell you?
Yes, anything that financially relates to your business needs to be tracked, so please let us know and provide your documents!
Should I incorporate?
If you are profiting over 80k in a year, probably yes! Talk with your account manager to see if this is the right choice for you.
How do I download my financial statements?